
Why Most American Voters Recognize the Benefits of Immigration Reform

Farshad Owji

We are now about 100 days away from the next U.S. presidential election and recent national polls indicate voters say immigration reform is the single most important problem facing the country. As President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association,I know first-hand how polarizing talking about immigration can be, but I take solace in knowing that a recent poll released by the Immigration HUB in Washington, DC found:

- 66% of voters prefer a balanced approach to the immigration system and report high levels of support for policies addressing both border security and paths to citizenship and legal status for long-settled undocumented immigrants.
- 82% support creating pathways to citizenship for immigrants who have been living in the U.S. for many years and pass a background check and pay taxes.
- 89% support improving technology and infrastructure at the border

These are key data points to keep in mind.

Despite the rhetoric, most American voters understand the value and benefits of immigration.

As the election gets closer, that frightening anti-immigrant rhetoric will unfortunately continue to build. This dangerous fiction blinds many of us to the vast contributions made by immigrants and their children.

Throughout American history, immigrants have become some of the most brilliant and successful contributors in fields as diverse as business, science and technology, sports, the arts, and academia.

It is imperative that we remind ourselves and others that immigrants have helped build a rich mosaic of cultures and perspectives and have made America the world’s most vibrant economy.

I would urge our political leaders to reject extremist policies and rhetoric and instead deliver on what Americans agree is the right approach – addressing challenges at the border with sensible solutions and offering a path to citizenship to hard-working undocumented immigrants in the U.S.  

Accomplishing this will keep America a place where people from all over the world are welcome to pursue their dreams and contribute to our shared prosperity.