The California Immigrant
Resilience Fund’s Impact Map

This interactive map provides data on a cross section of undocumented Californians who, in 2020 and 2021, received emergency Covid cash assistance disbursed by the 73 immigrant-serving organizations. These organizations received nearly $75 million from the California Immigrant Resilience Fund (CIRF) and aligned funders to disburse direct aid and support their operations.

Given the data’s sensitive nature, all identifying information has been anonymized, and all locations have been slightly offset to protect the privacy and security of beneficiaries.

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Screen resolution of at least 1280x720 is recommended.  (A mobile phone screen is too small)
Either the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browser (Both are free downloads)

In Partnership With


The invaluable data in this map would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the 73 CIRF local partners across California that identified, vetted, and collected information from beneficiaries over two long and difficult years. CIRF is honored to have supported your work––thank you for your hard work and commitment. 
CIRF is grateful to Mobile Pathways for creating the tool that supported the data collection and for the many hours that the team spent training and supporting CIRF partners to use this tool and enhance their tech capabilities. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the GitHub Social Impact team for building this map. CIRF also thanks Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees for launching this fund, the Tides Foundation for serving as a philanthropic and grantmaking platform, and Salesforce for donating the technology. 

Third-Party Use of Data
Journalists, researchers, and others wishing to use and repurpose the data in this map should contact Mobile Pathways for express written permission. If permission is granted, Mobile Pathways will provide a downloadable version of the map. Those using the data should credit Mobile Pathways and include a link back to this map.

More Information

The Mobile Pathways 2022 CIRF Impact Report highlights our findings and, more importantly, display the power of coalitions united under a common cause. The ongoing success of the CIRF partnership is a powerful reminder that we are stronger than any one of us.

Data Extract

For grant reporters, researchers, or other users that would like full access to the millions of data points collected as part of CIRF 2021 and CIRF 2022, please fill out the form below. Please note that absolutely no personal information of any recipient will be shared for privacy and security reasons.
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