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AI-powered immigration justice
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fair access to justice

Mobile Pathways uses mobile phone technology, data, and AI to help immigrants in court navigate the legal immigration process.

We build technology that amplifies the impact of immigration organizations supporting underserved immigrants. Our partners include trusted immigration nonprofits and immigration attorneys. They use our technology to scale their reach of immigrants and improve their outcomes.

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“Mobile Pathways is a game changer, and I can't live without it.

Their dashboards and insights demonstrate a wide range in discretion and discrepancy in judicial opinions and case law across the country. ”

Board Certified Immigration
Attorney/Law Firm Owner

navigating immigration court is difficult

Immigration court is costly and complex. Most immigrants are unable to afford attorneys despite the significant impact on their chances of relief. Our flawed immigration system denies millions fair access to justice and traps them in low-paying jobs.

Today, nearly 4 million people are navigating our immigration court system—a 779% increase over the last decade.

HOW WE help

We are a technology nonprofit that partners with immigration nonprofits and attorneys to advance their use of technology and data to increase fair access to justice.

our impact

Immigrants Informed
Immigration Advocate Partners

fair access to justice

how we help

We help immigrants navigate immigration court using data, artificial intelligence, and
mobile phone technology.

Image of mobile phone
of immigrants have legal representation
More likely to win
case with a lawyer
Million immigrants
are in court.
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